LD Capitalist 316 x Musgrave Prim Lassie 163-386
TC Aberdeen 759 x Raml Queen of Wetonka 422
Owned with Prairie Winds Cattle, OK
W/C Bullseye 3046A x Miss Werning 185Y
JMB Traction 292 x Raml Queen of Wetonka 305
Owned with Nesheim Farms, SD & Miiller Farms, SD
HHS MR Entourage 867B x HHS Miss Lucky Ava 847A
CCR Gravity 9064A x KBHR X312
Connealy Capitalist 028 x LD Dixie Erica 2053
Connealy Final Product x RAML New Design 028
Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 x S A V Blackcap May 4136
S A V Free Spirit 8164 x CN Queen Mab Hall Fame 32
MOGCK Sure Shot x Mogck Mary 1255
S A V Iron Mountain 8066 x River Hills Mayflower X237
Sitz Traveler 8180 x S A V Emulous 8145
S A V Providence 6922 x Chestnut Ruby Burgess 644
C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 x TC Blackbird 4034
S A V Providence 6922 x Chestnut Ruby Burgess 644
SAV 004 Predominant 4438 x SAV MAY 7238
B/R New Frontier 095 x Chestnut Ruby Burgess 76
Remington Lock N Load 54U x GCF Miss New Level R206
Chestnut Improvement 104 x Raml Miss 568
Owned with Schmitz Sisters, ND
Bieber Roosevelt W384 x Bieber Tilly 399W
Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P x Ulra Samantha S89
Beckton Julian GG B571 x HXC Ellie May MA638
NBAR Hamley S913 x SRV Fashion Statement 9100